Tips for anybody that's struggling against Conquest Sector 3 boss (vs Reva, 1v1s) : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes by thellllvirtuoso Tips for anybody that's struggling against Conquest Sector 3 boss (vs Reva, 1v1s) Firstly, Voluntary Vanguard is your best friend, since it somehow works even in the 1v1s What team can complete Conquest Sector 3 Boss Lucky Shot Feat? lifeisagame007 96 posts Member May 23, 2021 11:27PM edited May 2021 Anyone got any tips for this feat? The issue is, Luke has permanent taunt and guard, so you have to attack him but he can't be critically hit. TV. Play. 4K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 1 year ago Sector 3 Feats Guide - • Hard Sector 3 Fea. . Get as far as you can and once you're done/can't progress go back to other nodes to finish up any feats. Hard Sector 3 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH Home; Search; Live; About : In this video I will discuss what teams are needed to complete Conquest Sector 2, beat the boss, and gather the sector feats along the way. I'll try to change my disks when I have more energy, but is anyone else having an issue with this?Hard Sector 5 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH. Any questions? Let me know below or find me on Discord: #GalaxyO. never mind. . AhnaldT101. ago. Intro Hard Sector 4 Veers Mini & Saw Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #31 - #33 SWGOH BitDynasty 19. gg? Once a Jedi, always a Jedi. Check out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon - me on Discord -. Hard Sector 4 Boss Feats vs Rey | The Conquest SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. SECTOR 5 BOSS HARD CONQUEST GUIDE - ALL FEATS WITH ONE TEAM - NO GL | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos;. 3 million gp and have every GL. 0. if you have the offensive buffs, defensive buffs, cooldown decrease data discs, you can just spam force crush in merciless massacre (to avoid fear from Malak) until you get 30 crits and then cull them back to back. But don’t know how to actually defeat this lil dude. SECTOR 2 - ALL BOSSES FEATS. Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its. Actually imperial troopers is better. AhnaldT101 ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel. 4363 posts. Cheers! My Discord. community. I already have every bonus feat for this sector done. #swgoh #conquest #han ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon:. AhnaldT101. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1K subscribers Subscribe 8 views 1 minute ago Check out my SWGOH tool -. Datamined Conquest Feats. . Boss feats: SECTOR 1: SECTOR 2: SECTOR 3: SECTOR 4:. No kill feats. 333 posts Member. Check out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon - me on Discord - last event I did the traya boss no problem. In this video I will discuss what teams are needed to complete Conquest 10/11/12 Sector 3, beat the boss, and gather the sector feats along the way. abring15 4 posts Member 333 posts Member. #swgoh #conquest #rey ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon:. Intro Hard Sector 3 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH BitDynasty 18. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. My sector 4 bosses feats guide. Hard Sector 5 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. I did them on the NS boss at the end of the sector, using CLS, Han, Chewie, Chewpio, and Lando. Settings. Press J to jump to the feed. Ultradude488 wrote:. If you finished all the Sectors within your roster’s capabilities, go back and take your best teams to go for the 3/3 Conquest Keycards. Recommended Disks; Enemies; The Conquest. Tried the Revan/Luke counter and savior worked fine, got the win and health feats with that. Voluntary Vanguard plus strong, non-GL equals easy feats. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Playing in hard difficulty and have every character. Not quite. 0 11 comments Best brutalthatis • 5 mo. I believe there is a section easily accessible. Hard Sector 4 Boss Feats vs Rey | The Conquest SWGOH. In three of his most recent videos, our fellow former SWGoH Gamechanger Skelturix instructs the community on how to earn all of the Feats for max rewards for the Sector 1, 2 & 3. Conquest: Help Required. Playing in hard difficulty and have every character. SWGOH tools by BitDynasty Assault Battles; Conquest. 297 posts Member. Also had a feat from sector 1 bugged as well. SECTOR 4 - LOW GEAR. AhnaldT101 ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel. StickSurfer 297 posts Member February 27, 2023 4:59PM edited February 27 Yet another question about Conquest. 0 11 comments Best brutalthatis • 5 mo. Hard Sector 2 Bendak Starkiller Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #16 - 18 SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. 3. Search within r/SWGOH. GG] Introducing GAC Insight. Any suggestions? It’s annoying I can’t move on to the next sector because of a stupid boss feat when I’ve 3*d the node. ALL Sector 3 Boss Feats! | 700% TM removal made easy. If anyone can show me any way to beat that Gas team, I will be really helpful. Intro Hard Sector 3 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH BitDynasty 18. Tips for anybody that's struggling against Conquest Sector 3 boss (vs Reva, 1v1s) : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes by thellllvirtuoso Tips for anybody that's struggling against Conquest Sector 3 boss (vs Reva, 1v1s) Firstly, Voluntary Vanguard is your best friend, since it somehow works even in the 1v1s Intro Hard Sector 4 Veers Mini & Saw Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #31 - #33 SWGOH BitDynasty 19. Hard Sector 3 Darth Revan DR Mini & Jedi Revan JKR Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #16 - 18 SWGOH. Hard sector 3 mini boss, infinite revive for Scarif Rebel Pathfinder. I already have every bonus feat for this sector done. Galactic Conquest Sector 3 Boss Hard (Han) - Hokey Religions Guide00:00 Intro00:10 The battle02:19 Team statsConquest 10 playlist: Conquest game mode has become one of the biggest challenges in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, proving difficult for players at all levels in the game. Cheers!M. . Corruscant Underworld Police. So the enemies can only use basics and kill themselves from dots burns and detonators. Or use jedi, kill malak, and then get all AoE jumpy with Yoda. AhnaldT101 ando90The explanation from CG said boss feats, plural. 5:10 Stealth with Maul. (mini boss) 5:00 5 Victors. 4 strong characters. Sector 3 Feats Guide - out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon -. Tips for anybody that's struggling against Conquest Sector 3 boss (vs Reva, 1v1s) : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes by thellllvirtuoso Tips for anybody that's struggling against. However, it has not popped up once in the store and I don't want to use Crystals for manual refreshes. Since you also need to. . . . #swgoh #conquest #slkr Download Dragon Champions Use the promo code SKELGIFT to get a special starter pack, available only before level 15 and for the next 30 days!In these Conquest boss battles, players look to accomplish different feats, which are similar to the feats we have in the Grand Arena Championships and Galactic Challenges, in an effort to maximize the reward for defeating that sector’s boss. #swgoh #conquest #slkrDownload Dragon Champions the promo code SKELGIFT to get a special starter pack, available only before level. 0 11 comments Best brutalthatis • 5 mo. Will help you cheese feats like kill [X] enemies with [faction/character]. I have also heard sith trio team can do it (Traya, Sion, Nihilus). 00:00 Intro00. [email protected]_Doja_Fett so Rey Boss in Sector 4, how does one do the 700% TMR feat when her Inspired Unique prevents TMR?! Legit question. But don’t know how to actually defeat this lil dude Hard Conquest Boss Sector 3 Guide - ALL FEATS - NO GL NEEDED | SWGOH - YouTube #swgoh #conquest #sector3 ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support. About : #swgoh #jmk #kenobi ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon:. · 3m. 4K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 1 year ago Sector 3 Feats Guide - • Hard Sector 3 Fea. level 2. 1K subscribers Subscribe 8 views 1 minute ago Check out my SWGOH tool -. Hello Holotable Heroes, Let's chat about Conquest, strategy, data disks and consumables! Some suggestions to get us started are listed below, but feel free to add whatever tips, tricks and other Conquest-related fun stuff you want to throw into the mix. Still they melt pretty fast with 3 or 4 zealous ambitions. Conquest 10 – Notable Sector 5 Feats. Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian. . Conquest 25 is back with feats featuring separatist and sith: tips to get through sector 4, teams I'm using on two different accounts, and the strategy I fol. Sector 3 Boss Hard - Full FeatsMon Mothma with Chewpio are ideal for these types of feats, due to their many assists, team boosting kits, and their revives. May 6, 2022 2:55PM Yes this and the undersized feat were bugged for me also. Hard Sector 3 Admiral Raddus Mini & Sana Starros Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #25 - 27 SWGOH - YouTube 0:00 / 9:35 • Intro Hard Sector 3 Admiral Raddus Mini & Sana Starros Final. Kyno. Conquest 18 Event Feats Better Sector 2 strategy: 10 battles with an all-attacker team including Chewpio (recommended: CLS, Han, Chewie, Chewpio, rebel Attacker of your choice - I used Lando). Hard Sector 2 Boss Feats vs GAS | The Conquest General Skywalker SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. 00:00 Intro00:10 Data disks and team stats 00:51 The b. TimeToRedditToday • 2 yr. Hard Sector 1 Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #7 SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. I’ve tried every available lead for me: JKR, Cls, DRevan, Geo, Traya, FO r3 (SLKR journey), Nutt but with no luck, i’ve tried with speed but she’s too fast! Any idea or suggestion about team composition?! G12 EP lead, DVader g12, Malak 6*, KRU r5. Sector 4 Feats Guide - out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon - posts Member. 7. Paladin033112. SLKR Aoe (Spc 3) Feed SLKR (spc 4) SLKR Aoe (spc 5) wait for SLKR's Ultimate and you should have the win, or be ready to mop it all up with the 6th special. I tried 5 battles trying to save Han for last, but my disks always knock him out first. Jedi, get SPF to low and get the locked buff, slap on slap, wait ten minutes boom, 15-20 master trainings, thanks CG, you morons 😚. And if you slow down and watch after each attack, there is yellow damage -- at least 10 in a row from the point in the video link that I posted. 01:08 3-in-1 Feats Cheese 03:25 CLS - R2-3PO 04:12 RJT - Non-Sep Droids 05:00 Malak - No Support 05:41 GG - No Support 06:10 Sortie - BT-Trip 06:53 GI - Blind 07:43 Talzin - Master Training 08:57 JML - Blind Non-Sep Droids 09:37 Sector 3 ProgressSector 4 Boss Feats vs Sith Eternal Emperor | The Conquest SEE SWGOH. CAT’s destroy doesn’t prevent revives. Incapacitating Strike – Potency Down is a debuff that is only applied by Young Lando and Grand Master Yoda. He’ll have a melee weapon on him called The Thing. yes ,its easy, all you need is to stack 3 disk of leaders determination (blue ones or green), one entrenched (50 or 75%) one power , link the two tanks charge up the ult , then ult, just use see no wat so you can complete the attacker feat an 3 star the node. #swgoh #blind #frenzy ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon:. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Put a blue and 2 greens and you will apply 7 defuffs a turn, enough to trigger a thermal exhaust, upto 3 thermals, which can trigger ability exhaust. report. 9501 posts Member. 00:24:55 *NEW* Conquest Lifter for Lord Vader!. Op · 12 hr. . More posts from the. Check out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon - me on Discord -. 0:00. . I can’t draw out the battle long enough to get the 30 crits or I die trying to draw it out. Hard Sector 3 Admiral Raddus Mini & Sana Starros Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #25 - 27 SWGOH - YouTube 0:00 / 9:35 • Intro Hard Sector 3 Admiral Raddus Mini & Sana Starros. #swgoh #conquest #padme ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon: and Subscribe for more swgoh tips :)Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. mesa176750. I’ve tried every available lead for me: JKR, Cls, DRevan, Geo, Traya, FO r3 (SLKR. CryptoCheck out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon - me on Discord -. 1K subscribers Subscribe 8 views 1 minute ago Check out my SWGOH tool -. That way, the pathfinder won’t keep coming back to life infinitely because of the modifier. Hard Sector 2 Bendak Starkiller Mini & Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #16 - 18 SWGOH. r. ALL SECTOR FEATS: • SECTORS 3,4,5 FEA. Thanks for "hearing us", CG. In several of his most recent videos, our fellow former SWGoH Gamechanger Skelturix instructs the community on how to earn all of the Feats for max rewards in Sectors 3 and 4 in Hard. A valid strategy might be to rush those feats for the discs. I've wasted hundreds of energy between swapping data disks (not for strategic purposes, but due to the bugs) and freezing in battle. About : #swgoh #conquest #rey ️ Support me on PayPal: ️ Support me on Patreon:. Easy win with Palpatine & Rex in Hard Sector 4 Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #10 SWGOH. Fate must really not want me to pass Easy Mode. You go in with something weaker, you get steamrolled by CLS TM machine. Conquest sector 2 boss feats broken. Cheers! My Discord Server:Hard Sector 3 Scavenger Rey Mini & Veteran Han Final Boss Guide | The Conquest #19 - 21 SWGOH. Skelturix has. Conquest sector 3 boss feat. I’ve tried every available lead for me: JKR, Cls, DRevan, Geo, Traya, FO r3 (SLKR journey), Nutt but with no luck, i’ve tried with speed but she’s too fast! Any idea or suggestion about team composition?! 0 5 comments Best Add a Comment topersky • 6 mo. Sector 4 Feats Guide - out my SWGOH tool - me on Patreon -. Kyno. First of all, here is my profile (5. . ago Conquest Normal Sector 3 Boss Hi, i am struggling with S3 final boss Sorros and rebels team. You have a guaranteed mothma team in the Sector 2 datacron node, but also look for those teams in other sectors. 0:00 JMK3:46 disksmods and statsuniqueWhile Empire and Dark Side. Still not a huge fan of being forced to complete minibosses and bosses at least twice for full completion, but whatever. Honestly, the feat layouts are my only complaint at this point. share. Reference Marvel Heroes Omega. Help defeat Luigi and his bodyguard, and Blaubert will thank you.